
Friday, May 23, 2014

Puppy, Pancake, and Pajama Birthday Party

Hi everybody!  I am so excited to be sharing our latest birthday party with you!

My sweet little boy wanted to have a birthday party that was all about a few of his favorite things: puppies, pajamas, and pancakes!  I began planning his party by starting with his party invitation.  I created all of the graphics, clip art, and digital scrap book papers for the invitation, and also used them on all of the coordinating paper decor.  I also used the colors from the invitation to coordinate the entire party.

His party was hosted at our home.  It was supposed to rain so we hosted the party inside in our kitchen and our dining room.   It actually turned out to be a beautiful day, but the party functioned perfectly inside.  I built the back drop for the display shown below to stand alone on a table.  It fit perfectly on our kitchen island.  The party theme colors were bright blue, yellow, and red.

We served pancakes of course!  Toppings were fun and included chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, sprinkles, syrup, whipped cream, and powdered sugar.  We also served doughnuts!

Coffee was available for the parents as well as fresh lemonade for everyone!  Refreshing strawberries 
were also served.  

Each place setting included a "Kiddie Menu", just like kids get at a real restaurant, individual packs of crayons that I packaged myself, a tube of gumballs called "Puppy Treats", a "Doggie Bag" , and a "Paint a Puppy" kit.

We had a lot of fun with our party activities!  We played Pin the Tail on the Puppy!

We painted a puppy!  We did this activity before any of the other festivities so we could let our puppies dry during the party.

I created a Paint a Puppy kit for each guest and placed one at each place setting.  Each kit included 3 disposable condiment cups for 3 colors of paint, a paint brush, pair of self adhesive googly eyes, and a wooden puppy head that I had hot glued button magnets onto.  Each guest would "paint a puppy" that they could also use at home to hang art work on the fridge.  This party was for a group of kindergartners and I thought this would be a perfect party craft activity for them.  

The little party guests painted their puppy one color, then laid it upon a table runner of long art paper that I had laid across the length of the table.  They wrote their name in crayon next to their puppy so they would know which one was theirs.  We let them dry before adding the eyes, mouth, and a finger print nose.  

Each guest also got to Adopt a Puppy.   I created little Certificates of Adoption for the activity. Everyone named their puppy, chose a date of birth, and had their name officially documented on their certificate. ;)

I searched everywhere for plush puppies with a look that fit our party theme.  Then I finally found these adorable puppy puppets at the Dollar Tree.  I had in mind to get normal plush puppies, but when I found these  I showed them to my son and he loved that they were puppets.  These turned out to be the perfect pups for our party.  We were very lucky!

The party was not only pancake and puppy themed, but also a pajama party.  Guests arrived for a pancake brunch in their favorite pajamas.  I created my son some special pajamas that matched his party.  I bought a bright blue t-shirt and also some little bright red cotton shorts.  I used my sitting puppy silhouette graphic and Avery's Dark Fabric Iron On material to achieve the look of this shirt.  It turned out just as planned. 

Everyone had a "Doggie Bag" to take their goodies home in.  I explained to our little party guests that sometimes when we go to a restaurant and don't finish our food, we are given a to-go box or a "doggie bag" to take our leftover food home in.  They were very smart kiddos and wrote their names on these kraft paper favor bags.  I was so proud of them. :)  

His party was truly sweet. I would not change a thing!  I have the best mommy friends and he has the best kindergarten friends!  We also celebrated with cupcakes, but after all of the yummy pancakes and doughnuts all of the little tummies were too full for them!  

I hope you enjoyed a look at our party!  I know we enjoyed celebrating my little man's big day!


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